Monday, April 1, 2013

Triple I - Iron Person - Megapalooza 2013


Can't get enough game?  Can't play enough different Characters?  Can't get into the game of the GM you wanted?  We have the complete package for you now. Infinite Imaginations Inc will be running all weekend, every slot, right through the dinner breaks.  Sign up for as many 1 hour slots as you think you can handle. Once you sit down you will be supplied with a core character sheet for one of the 8 archetypical characters, and each GM will pass out game specific Mod's for each one hour game. 

A partial list of games include: Return of the Hexagon, Cleveland's Worst, Heinlein's Heroes, A Game of Thrones Comedy Roast, and a special Horror Hero using Dice.

Role-Playing not necessary, Rules will be strictly enforced. And there will be cake at the end, if you survive.  BYOM :-)

GM: Brian Gray and Friends

III GM's, remember you are responsible for 8 slots each, plus bring your own cake..   

 Times TBD. 

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