Friday, February 7, 2025

2025 Begins

As per the usual, games are getting written (well started anyway), titles and blurbs are in, schedule has been planned, and our events have been submitted for approval.

We hope to see old friends, and make new acquaintances. and have fun telling stories and rolling dice!

That's what Gen Con is for right?

See you in August!


Monday, March 4, 2024

Gen Con 2024 has started, sorta

Event Submission is open. Many III games have been submitted, and at least one seminar, some LARP, some ZED... usual stuff, you'll get to see it in May.

So relax, think of happier times, and check back for event tickets then.



Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Gen Con 2023 is done

 Thanks to all the GM's and support and especially the players who made this a great weekend. 

Safe Travels, happy home gaming and looking forward to seeing as many of you as can manage again next year!


Thursday, February 9, 2023

Games Submitted

 If anyone is looking, the games for Infinite Imaginations, Inc have been submitted to Gen Con for the 2023 convention.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible live and at our tables this year. 

Be Safe.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

As i was saying ...

 It's supposedly going to happen. 

We are doing our part.

Blurbs are written and submitted, time slots picked and bartered. If there is a convention, we will be there.

We really want to see you. Vaccinated, masked or whatever, please let there be games.


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Hold Please

During this challenging time, we hope most that all of our friends and fans are staying safe.

We very much looking forward to the coming time of improved normalcy.  And have every intention of running games at Gen Con in the future. I know that several have been "in the can" for over a year already, and more will be written ... and rewritten ... and rewritten during this extended break.

Please take care of each other, game if you can, roll some dice and share snacks with those in your circle, and stay safe so as many of us as possible will be able to game together again.


Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Other Quiet Time

As we enter into the greater holiday season, just after All Hallows, and still before the first of turkeys, we hope your holidays, whichever they are, are filled with friends, family, food, and contemplation of the best of life.


Sunday, April 14, 2019

Quiet Writing Time

Yes, we are still here.
Yes, we will be back for Gen Con 2019.
Yes, we have already submitted our events to Gen Con, probably even most of them.
Yes, Gen Con has made some sign of looking at them.
Yes, some of our games have been written.
Yes, some of our games have actually been playtested, with more to come.
And Yes, we wish it was time to leave for Indianpolis too.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Update: Game Planning set to Stage 3 aka Panic Mode!!

Important note: Our table top games are in the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown this year.
   Not the JW Marriott like the last 2 years,
   More like the Marriott Downtown for years before that.
But this time ... we appear to have a room on the second floor right by the bridge. Not at the farthest corner in the back.
ALWAYS CHECK YOUR TICKETS - LARPS and many events are in different places than the main table top rpg room.

Hopefully this will make us easier to find. But the different noise level will be interesting.

As is tradition, some of us have already left our homes heading to Indianapolis. We should all be there by late Wednesday night.

Very excited to see our friends, long time returning gamers, and soon to be new fast friends.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Update: Game planning gets stage 2 serious

Very soon, this Sunday May 6th, our games will be for sale. We love this weekend, but we are always wary. Will we sell out? Will the players who are so excited this weekend still be excited in August? How many tickets? How many no-shows?

It's enough to keep a helper up at night.

Oh, and we often try to get tickets for us to play, so don't hog all the tickets, ok?


Friday, January 5, 2018

Update: Game planning gets stage 1 serious

The GM's of Triple I have until this Sunday to submit their game information, titles, blurbs, seats, etc. for submission to GEN CON.  There is some shuffling of time slots, and a general feeling that we may need a larger room.

This year we have some new GM's, some old GM's taking control of the big Champions Tournament, and one old time friend joining the ranks.

Anyone need a score card?


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

See you all soon!! (but in a slightly new place)

The staff of Infinite Imaginations is on the move, several members of the senior staff were on the road today, and most of the rest of us will be there before the dinner call on Wednesday. There is much excitement, and several anxiety attacks (where are my minis!?!)

-This year all the TABLE TOP RPGs are in the JW Marriott. That's the newer, really tall hotel to the east of the convention center, on West Street, between Maryland and Washington.

-As always, read your tickets, and seek help from the convention staff.

-We still take generics! Come by and see if there are open seats! (there are always a few at one of the games).

-If you have to drop out of a game, it would be extra nice of you to drop off your tickets with us. We will trade out generics whenever possible, limited only by our own current stock of generics to trade.

-WE can't wait to see you all.

- Game safely

your pbh